Vitamin D deficiency is common in summer and winter!

October 09, 2017 in Lifestyle
Vitamin D capsules

You have a vitamin D deficiency faster than you think!

Vitamin D is the vitamin that we are most often deficient in, according to the World Health Organization WHO. How did that happen? And why can you run into a shortage during all seasons?
Vitamin D is actually the odd man out among the vitamins, but plays a crucial role in keeping your immune system and resistance, the blood in your skeleton and your muscles in good condition. Fair skin that is exposed to sunlight produces vitamin D itself. However, a large part of the Dutch population has a vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D deficiency only in winter?

In the winter we have a shortage because we don't go outside (uncovered) enough and there is simply less sunlight. You should be in the sun with bare arms for at least half an hour every day to get enough sunlight. But even then it may be that you absorb vitamin D poorly. In the summer we sometimes run into a shortage because we often cover ourselves or apply sunscreen from head to toe with factor 30 (or more). Taking good care of your skin is very important, but it does explain why we absorb less vitamin D.

Who does it help to take vitamin D daily?

In addition, some high-risk groups are more likely to develop a deficiency anyway. Doctors advise:

  • women over 50 years old,
  • men over 70 years old,
  • children under 4 years,
  • dark-skinned adults and
  • anyone who doesn't get out enough

to take extra vitamin D. A normal diet often contains too little vitamin D to compensate for the lack of sunlight. Only 10% comes from food such as oily fish and cod liver oil. That is why it is important to supplement this with a good supplement. If you want to be 100% sure, you can have your blood values ​​tested to see if you are absorbing enough vitamin D.

How do you recognize a Vitamin D deficiency?

The main problems are bone complaints, muscle complaints and joint complaints. In adults, a kind of 'softening' of the bones can occur. This causes bone and muscle pain in the thighs and hips. It is sometimes more difficult to get out of a chair, you walk waddling and you get bones that break more easily. This is called osteomalacia.
A deficiency of vitamin D and calcium can cause osteoporosis in women. This leads to faster fractures of the more fragile bones.

Help with choosing!

Vitamin D2 or D3? Vitamin D is sold in 2 types. Vitamin D3 is naturally produced by your skin and is therefore your body's own. This means that this variant is best absorbed by your body and is therefore much more effective.

How much do you need? The amount of vitamin D that may be added to food supplements has been increased by the Dutch government. The maximum dose is now 75 µg per day. With this, the Netherlands follows the European food safety authority, which already raised the safe level of vitamin D to 2012 µg per day in 100.

Structurally more than 100 micrograms per day can be harmful to your body. So always stick to the recommended dose. If you already multivitamins for example, it is wise to see whether and how much vitamin D it already contains. For children under 4 years old, a supplement is recommended that can be easily dosed to their needs, such as drops.

Live Puri of course has the best Vitamin D3 capsules developed for you. With only active substances cholecalciferol encased in a capsule with olive oil from the Olea europaea olive tree. This ensures that you can best absorb and retain this fat-soluble vitamin in your body.

This dietary supplement is not suitable for children up to and including 10 years of age.

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