Our mission is to make you love yourself – in a body that makes you feel good. With pure healthy products that really benefit your body, that you can enjoy and of which you understand the ingredients list. Without empty claims, without having to compromise on taste.
This is how you go through life fit, at any time of the day. For all products we use as few different ingredients as possible, so it is Live Puri® 100% free of fillers, flavor powders or preservatives. Quality and purity are paramount. We are committed to science and have therefore already sorted everything out for you in advance. You can let your body rely on that.
I, Maaike Godts, grew up in Belgium with vegetables from the garden, bread from the bakery and always freshly prepared meals. Healthy and tasty food has therefore played an important role in my entire life. As a child I was not always aware of how special that is. But now that I'm older myself, I find that I want to pass on the importance of good nutrition to others. It is not always easy to find good nutrition.
After working for 8 years at a large dairy company, I had found my way to protein-rich food. My circle of friends often asked me the question: 'Which proteins should I buy? I can no longer see the wood for the trees…' In my own search for tasty protein-rich food, I was often disappointed myself. Then again the product quality was quite okay, but the taste left (a lot) to be desired. Sometimes the taste wasn't too bad, but I was mainly eating fillers and sugars.
In short, the Rolls Royce I was looking for could not be found. Full of energy, I decided in 2017 to make it myself. And not unimportant: in collaboration with pharmacists. I can now proudly announce that my mission to develop tasty and pure products has been successful. And that's it Live Puri® a fact. Our protein powders are 100% natural, of high quality and, moreover, purely tasty, because building up a long-term diet only works if you can also enjoy it. Read more here what makes our protein powders so unique and why you look so tasty high protein recipes can do with. Recently we even have completely unsweetened vegetable Vegan protein powder is. And did you know all that vitamins and minerals are formulated with 100% pure active ingredients, selected by experienced pharmacists? So that your body can absorb them optimally!
Live Puri® is growing and that is why we have a team of experts to help you at all times. From pharmacists and food technologists who ensure that all products are qualitatively on point, our social media expert Anouk who propagates our message to our logistics team who find the right destination for all packages. Everyone works with the greatest care and like it Live Puri® fits: always with our personal touch!
I'd love to hear any questions or tips info@livepuri.nl or 06-48470205. I personally answer every message. I like to hear from you!
Live Puri ® is a registered trademark.
Maaike Godts
Zocherpad 2
3822TK Amersfoort
VAT NL002427459B58
KvK 68079818