Everything you need to know about magnesium
A photo of blocks of dark chocolate is probably not what you expect from a piece about this mineral. But did you know that dark chocolate has a high magnesium content? Look, another reason to buy (pure!) chocolate. Read on if you want to know what it does for you and what else contains a lot of magnesium!
What does magnesium do for you?
Magnesium is a mineral and plays a role in more than 300 bodily processes. Among other things, it contributes to normal functioning and proper protein synthesis of your muscles. It also helps to reduce fatigue, tension and stress. In addition, it helps maintain strong bones and teeth. And it promotes cardiovascular health.
What's it all about?
Fortunately, you can find magnesium in many tasty products!
- Extra Dark Chocolate (220mg)
- Spinach (45mg)
- Chard (81mg)
- Pumpkin seeds (262mg)
- Yogurt (11mg)
- Almonds (150mg)
- black beans (160mg)
- Avocado (30mg)
- Dried figs (75 mg)
- Bananas (30mg)
Between brackets you can read the amount per 100 grams. As you can see, pumpkin seeds are real bombs, but you usually don't eat 100 grams of them, of course. Extra dark chocolate (70+ cocoa content) is also a winner. Yeay! But of course it is not advisable to eat 100 grams every day.
How do you get a deficiency?
Na vitamin D, Westerners are most often deficient in magnesium. Although we often eat healthy, a magnesium deficiency is quite common. The World Health Organization estimates that 50% to 75% of the Western population does not get the recommended daily amount. This is because we usually eat too few green leafy vegetables and nuts.
In addition, a diet with a high content of phytate reduces absorption. Phytate is a substance found in whole-grain cereal products. We eat that quite a lot in our region.
In addition, it is claimed that due to impoverishment of our breeding ground, the magnesium content in our foods is lower than before.
Who is most likely to be deficient?
If we are to believe the World Health Organization, many of us fall into this category. There are also a number of groups that run an extra risk of a deficiency: pregnant women, women in menopause and people who exercise a lot.
How do you recognize a deficiency?
There are several symptoms that can indicate a deficiency. You may not experience them all at the same time, but below are the most common:
- Awakening by muscle tension
- Fatigue
- Muscle cramps
- Headache
- Migraine
- Dizziness
- Irritable
- Nervousness
- Depressive feelings
Do you suspect you have a deficiency? Then try adding a light dose of supplements for a few weeks. In case of persistent complaints or doubts, always consult a doctor.
Can you also get an overdose?
It is virtually impossible to get too much magnesium through food. Using supplements at too high a dose can create an excess that can cause nausea and vomiting. You can read below how to prevent this.
In some cases, a large amount of magnesium is even dangerous. People with kidney diseases or disorders in the impulse conduction of the heart should be careful.
How much do you need per day?
The daily RI (reference intake) is 350 mg for men and 300 mg for women. The recommended maximum dose for magnesium supplementation is 250 mg per day. It is estimated that most people get 200 mg per day from food.
How do you choose a good supplement?
There are different types of magnesium supplements on the market. Magnesium citrate is the best choice because it dissolves best and is more bioavailable. This means that it can be best absorbed by your body.
Magnesium oxide and chloride are the least well absorbed by your body. Magnesium oxide can also cause diarrhea and abdominal cramps. These 2 forms are therefore to be avoided.
Then look at how much magnesium is actually present in your supplement. This is ultimately the level you want to know.
And finally, choose a capsule that does not deliver 1 mg of magnesium in one go. Your body cannot absorb all of this 250% and the surplus is then simply discharged. Moreover, you also get a portion through your diet. Waste of your money.
At Live Puri we naturally use magnesium citrate in our magnesium capsule. The magnesium content per capsule is 81 mg. This way you can easily dose yourself. 3 capsules per day provide you with 243 mg of magnesium.
How do you use a supplement?
To best absorb magnesium, ideally spread the intake of capsules over the day. It is best to take this supplement daily with meals.
Always consult a doctor if in doubt.